Friday 23 January, 2009

Feeling Mellow !

Looking back at the past month may be bit more 1.5 months.

Me and my project were chasing a delivery which was planned for 23Jan. which later in the last week was moved to 30Jan.

All members of dev&QA teams have been working hard. We have developed a good relation over the period of past few months. New friends/colleagues new work place, new role, new responsibilities, new things to learn - lot of new exposures in terms of professional life and also in terms of personnel relations.
Working in lead capacity in the work(office) environment has been a good experience. I definately noticed following things abt me carefully :
1. Being/feeling responsible. Creating the same attitude in mates.
2. Judging actions/people - I was able to identify many good things in my mates. Energy they carried, response they shared and so on.
3. Process wise - good planning and execution abilities.

I think i have taken lot of such exposures at JP, but when you have a different culture - manier times ur role/designation gives you the platform and how u cash it/control it/get hold of it will depend on you.. (as always)

Most singnificant thing in this tenure has been relationships that i developed with new ppl. I have not been able to have such a relation with my existing team-mates as well. !
Now after the project is complete - I am back to my original office location and lot of changes are taking place in the office -new management, new team formations and so on..
one thing for sure is I will remember this exp for long time for - Miss managed project, meaning of Frozen requirements, dilema between product-service org, new exposures that i had, ppl I met, and all the moments i lived in Marisoft. !

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